Mamma Hysteria, written by Debbie, Davi's Mama.

Mommy hysteria.

Anyone who has ever had the pleasure of becoming a mother knows what I mean by the fear hormone that you get for free once you are a mother (to be).t.

We women are blessed with a brain that is programmed in such a way that we quickly see a risk in the cause and effect scenario. Nothing against you men reading this. Throw in a surge of hormones on top of this and you've got, as I call it, Mamma Hysteria. And rightly so, we are quick to worry about that one chance that things could go wrong in what may appear to be a perfectly safe situation.ken.

When I had my first child (Alessia is now 6 years old) she slept so peacefully that I regularly checked with her to see if she was still breathing. It was her calm demeanor that worried me. At a slightly older age, the first night she lay in her cot, Mrs. crawled up from under the covers. The next morning she was no longer under the bed, neatly and tightly made up, but turned upside down at the very top. She herself certainly slept well, but I immediately suffered from my Mamma hysteria. what ifs…”

I searched for a solution for her nighttime wild movements and found a kind of mattress strap that I wrapped her in like a present. The strap went around the mattress and with three shorter pieces, one between her legs and the other over her tummy with strong Velcro. She thought it was terrible, especially the part between her legs and my mommy heart thought it was pathetic. The hysteria had been resolved but whether it was ideal, no, I don't think so.t.

Now six years later we have a son (Davi, born 31 Oct 2018) and I accidentally came into contact with Frederieke, the inventor of the Nunki sheet. When she told me her ideas I could only think what a fantastic outcome this is. Conceived from the heart for the good of our children and designed for peace of mind for all those mommies with the same Mamma hysteria as me.k.

Our son Davi is now just three weeks old and has been sleeping under the Nunki crib sheet since week 1. As soon as he is wrapped up nicely, you will see him immediately calm down. Fortunately, Davi is not a crybaby or strong enough to get out from under his sheet, so we were forced to look for solutions, this time we are ahead of the potential dangers and restless nights (for both child and parent)! I can tell you that it gives me a very reassuring feeling that our son is sleeping safe, secure and satisfied.

Dear Debbie

Frederieke Meihuizen

Ik ben Frederieke, getrouwd met Ewoud en mama van 4 kindjes. Na op veel plekken gewoond te hebben, ben ik gesetteld in Nieuwkoop. Ik werkte in de commercie tot mijn vierde kindje geboren werd. Fedde was een huilbaby en vanuit deze wanhoop heb ik de producten van Fedde&Kees bedacht. Ik gooide mijn leven om en begon met ondernemen. Sinds 2018 help ik andere ouders naar een betere slaap!